Levitra vs Vardenafil

Levitra vs Vardenafil

Many people ask the very legitimate question. What is the difference between Levitra and Vardenafil and which one if better? Well this is a good question and on the other side also a funny question, because Vardenafil is the active ingredient in Levitra or Generic Levitra, so basically Vardenafil or Levitra is exactly the same! Let’s start from the beginning.


First there was the original Levitra Brand pill, made and designed by Bayer Pharmaceuticals. Then when after their patent expired, other drug makers started to produce Generic Levitra, as a cheap and cost-saving alternative to the brand name pill. To give you an indication, Levitra (Brand) will costs you over 6 USD per pill, while the exact same Generic Levitra will set you back ONLY 1,55 USD. This is a huge difference. Well Vardenafil pill is a generic Levitra variant and basically their is no difference between Generic Levitra and Vardenafil. It is just a different name or brand-name for the exact same pill. So if you want to save money, buy Vardenafil online !
