Levitra vs Viagra

Levitra vs Viagra

You want to know the difference between Levitra vs Viagra? Well as you know these are both very popular erection pills for people suffering from erectile dysfunctions and impotence. Levitra is made from the active ingredient “Vardenafil” and Viagra is made from the active ingredient “Sildenafil”. As you can see in the name the words Vardenafil and Sildenafil are quite similar and so is their purpose. Both pills have the aim to give men a Long Hard Erection and both pill success in this.

Both pills, Levitra and Viagra, are on the market for over a decade and are selling successfully all over the world. With Levitra produced by the German pharmaceutical company “Bayer” and Viagra produced by the American pharma giant “Pfizer” it is perhaps more a geographical choice with German European tend to buy Levitra, while American customers tend to buy Viagra.


On the other hand it can also be a price technical issue. While the price of Generic Viagra ( 0,88 USD per pill ) is cheaper than Generic Levitra ( 1,56 USD per pill ) , and while both pills are equal effective in giving men a long hard erection for over 12 hours, Viagra is on the winning hand.


Having said that, of course there are individual preferences too. What works for 1 person, may not work for other persons. Therefore sometimes someone can have perfect results with Levitra and less results with Viagra and therefore preferring Levitra over Viagra.

Concluding… at the end it is the consumers individual choice and preference. But generally speaking Viagra wins from Levitra as the pills have similar quality, similar results, but Generic Viagra is cheaper compared to Levitra. So buy generic viagra or buy generic levitra online cheap!