Levitra vs Vardenafil

Levitra vs Vardenafil

Many people ask the very legitimate question. What is the difference between Levitra and Vardenafil and which one if better? Well this is a good question and on the other side also a funny question, because Vardenafil is the active ingredient in Levitra or Generic Levitra, so basically Vardenafil or Levitra is exactly the same! Let’s start from the beginning.


First there was the original Levitra Brand pill, made and designed by Bayer Pharmaceuticals. Then when after their patent expired, other drug makers started to produce Generic Levitra, as a cheap and cost-saving alternative to the brand name pill. To give you an indication, Levitra (Brand) will costs you over 6 USD per pill, while the exact same Generic Levitra will set you back ONLY 1,55 USD. This is a huge difference. Well Vardenafil pill is a generic Levitra variant and basically their is no difference between Generic Levitra and Vardenafil. It is just a different name or brand-name for the exact same pill. So if you want to save money, buy Vardenafil online !


What is the active ingredient in Levitra?

Levitra is an erectile dysfunction treatment made by Bayer Pharma in Germany. The active ingredient in Levitra is Vardenafil – the Vardenafil makes that men regain their ability to get, keep and maintain a long hard erection while having sex. Levitra is the competitor of other impotence treatment as: Viagra , Cialis and Kamagra. Some people swear with Levitra and this is probably because of the quality, the magic which does Vardenafil. They don’t say for nothing, “Quality comes from Germany”.

Levitra Pills
Levitra Pills

At the moment, the patent on Levitra is expired and so other drug companies now produce a generic variant of Levitra, naked Generic Levitra. This pill is exactly the same as the brand version Levitra, however the price is much cheaper! Sometimes up to 500%. So if you want to pay the high price, you can and should do this, however if you want to save money then you are much better off buying the generic Levitra or also named Vardenafil pill. Find good price Levitra Pills here…

What is Levitra 20mg used for?

Levitra 20mg is the most common and favourite erection pill out of all Levitra pills. This because the 20mg variant, was the original amount of Vardenafil in the pill. Generic Levitra 20mg is much cheaper than the brand version of Levitra, and that’s why a very popular solution.


Next to Levitra 20mg, there are also stronger versions of Levitra available, as Levitra 40mg and Levitra 60mg – this means the amount of Vardenafil inside the pill is 40mg and 60mg. Next to stronger versions of Levitra, there are also weaker versions of Levitra available, for people for whom Levitra 20mg is too strong. This is Levitra 10mg – which means the amount of Vardenafil  inside the pill is 10mg. Read more about Vardenafil.

What class of drug is Levitra?

Levitra is a prescription medication for male erectile dysfunction treatment. It is also known as Vardenafil, as thit is the active ingredient in Levitra, produced by Bayer. The generic variant – Generic Levitra – is the cost-saving alternative. It belongs to the class of drugs called PDE5 inhibitors. Levitra, Vardenafil or Generic Levitra increases the blood flow into the penis, which helps men to gain and sustain a long hard erection during sex and to have an healthy sexlife with their girlfriend, wife or sex partner.

Order Levitra Online for only 1,5 USD per pill!

What is Vardenafil HCI used for?

Vardenafil HCI

Vardenafil HCI, the active ingredient in one of the most popular erection pills in the world, “Levitra”. This because Levitra is just the brand-name to put it in the market, while is sounds much smoother than Vardenafil and Levitra is easier to pronounce. However the most important ingredient and original name is Vardenafil. And now, the generic Levitra is also available as Vardenafil Pill, which is the cheapest generic alternative to the brand version of Levitra. Buy Vardenafil online cheap for only 1,50 USD per pill or go for other Generic Levitra versions. Vardenafil is available in 20mg, 10mg and 40mg variants, so there is always something in the right strength for you. Start with the original amount of Vardenafil HCI: 20mg.

Vardenafil HCI
Vardenafil HCI

How long does Vardenafil Last?

This is a very important question: How long does Vardenafil Last? Next to the question does Vardenafil or Levitra really work? Well to start with the last question, YES Vardenafil or Levitra really works! It is a German success story for over a decade and first designed and produced by the famous pharmaceutical company Bayer. Now it is also available as Generic Levitra for a much cheaper price!

But back to the first question, how long does Vardenafil last. Well long enough! It can last up to 24 hours, which means you are able to get a long hard erection for up to 24 hours! Normally saying it should work for at least 12 hours, so it gives you enough flexibility to play around and have sex before you go to bed as well as when you wake up! Or to have a hardcore sex marathon all night long with your wife, girlfriend, sex partner of one night stand! 🙂 So buy Levitra Online


HOWEVER … if you really want to go to the max and want an erection pill which works much longer than the normal Levitra pill, we would recommend you to go for Cialis, also known as “the Weekend pill”. Cialis or Generic Cialis is the only erection pill which works up to 36 Hours. You can buy Cialis Online for more or less the same price as Levitra, 1,50 USD per pill.



Welcome to WordPress Blog about Vardenafil – Vardenafil.org. This is your first post and here we will write about Vardenafil, the active ingredient in Levitra and sold as Vardenafil Pill – Generic Levitra. We will blog about experiences with Levitra and Vardenafil, background information, comparisons with other Erectile Dysfunction drugs as Viagra, Cialis, Kamagra as well as combination pills of Levitra with Dapoxetine, which solve both Erection problems as well as Premature Ejaculation, the problem of getting an orgasm too quickly. So enough to blog and write about and enough for you to read to tackle your ED problems and get the right ED treatment, Enjoy!
